Thursday, August 23, 2012

In the beginning... (an intro to me)

In the beginning...

Ideal suburban upbringing.  That's how I was brought into this world.  I had two adoring parents.  Raised as an only child... which meant perhaps a little spoiled.  We had a pool, a big deck, lots of family around and barbeques, prestigious schools.  And large pine trees in my yard that provided a private shelter where only my closest friends and I would gather to conspire.  My childhood memories are sprinkled with parties, gifts, dear friends and a little debauchery.  

Eventually I got married and started a family of my own.  I had two beautiful children.  My entire world stopped and revolved around these amazing, smart, innocent and constantly awe inspiring little beings.  My social life winded down a bit and my time was now filled with mommy and me classes, trips to the playground, story times and giggles.  

Sounds ideal, doesn't it?  Okay, I'm leaving out a few not so shiny memories.  But those memories are nothing more than spots that dot everyone's life.  I told a friend today, life is full of sh*t.  It's learning to appreciate all the good in between that's important.  

When my daughter was only 1 my husband and I separated, and eventually divorced.  We'll just cite unreconcilable differences.  I went through what likely many single mothers do.  I moved from our house to a small one bedroom cottage, allowed to stay there by the good graces of some wonderful people at the church that owned the property.  I spent nine months there, making my home on the couch so my children could have their own space in the bedroom (at ages 1 and 3 I perhaps overestimated their real needs or desires, but better to err on the side of caution.)

Eventually I dug myself out of that rut, and moved into a modest 3 bedroom apartment, where my new beau would soon join us and bless us with a third child.  Life renewed.  Work was picking up.  We were living week to week like many families these days, but we were happy and together.  We were making this work.  

This is my brief intro to me.  Now you're basically up to speed :-)


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